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Stripped From You Page 22

  “I didn’t know how to raise two little boys! Your father left! I was young and alone and scared,” she sobs. “And then Sean got sick, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I still don’t. But I’m trying.”

  It should break my heart to see my mother fall apart like this. But it doesn’t. She deserves every filthy painful emotion she’s feeling.

  “I think it’s too little too late, don’t you?”

  “No.” She wipes her eyes. “I don’t think it’s too late with either of my sons.”

  I involuntarily scowl. “Maybe you don’t, but I do.”

  “Ryan!” She stomps her foot. And she accused me of being a child. “What do I have to do? How can we fix this?”

  The rage pops. I get in her face, breathing heavily. “Change the past!”

  She stares back at me, her face is impassive, but the look in her eyes. Oh, that look. I know it well. It’s her temper flaring.

  “You know I can’t do that,” she snarls, her Brooklyn accent emerging with brute force.

  “Then I guess you’re shit out of luck Mom.”

  “When did you become so cold-hearted?” Her face twists into this wounded expression.

  “When?” The muscles in my shoulders tense. “Maybe it was in prison. Or maybe it was when I came home and realized that not a single thing had changed during the three and a half years I was away. Or, maybe it happened the second you asked me to give up everything. My future, my girl, my life.”

  “Were those three things synonymous?” she asks grudgingly.

  “It doesn’t matter if they were, they’re all gone now.”

  “You’re a fool.”

  Tell me something I don’t know.

  “And why is that?” “You’re still pining over some stupid girl.”

  “Well excuse me for missing someone I love.”

  “I did you a favor. That girl wasn’t going to do anything but break your heart. You should thank me.”

  Her words rip my emotions wide open.

  “Well I guess I’ll never know if that’s true, will I?” I tighten my fists. “You want a thank you? Here it is. Thank you for always making me wonder. Thank you for destroying the little bit of hope I ever had. Thank you for every single pitiful, painful second of my miserable life. It’s all because of you,” I say vindictively. Twisting the knife as far as it can go.

  She glowers at me, her bottom lip quivering. “I can’t change the past Ryan, I can only regret it.”

  “That makes two of us,” I growl.

  I storm off. I am done with this conversation. Done with her. And done with…no, not Sean. I want to be, but I’m not. I just have to distance myself. Stay exiled on Manhattan. Close, but just far enough away.

  I slam through the double doors at the end of the hallway, wishing I could blow them right off the fucking hinges.

  And I don’t look back.

  “Ryan.” She sings my name. “Ryan, come find us.” There’s laughing. Lots of happy laughter, a chorus of voices echoing in the dark.

  I struggle desperately to follow the sound. But I can never find it.

  “Alana?” I call, but she just keeps laughing while I fall deeper and deeper into the black. “Alana!” I become more desperate. “Alana, Alana…ALANA!” I shoot up out of bed. I’m sweating, panting, and disorientated. That same dream has been haunting me for months.

  I look up to find a woman with dark curly hair getting dressed in my room. She blinks at me curiously. Then she walks over and drops a kiss on my lips. “Desiree,” she says like I need clarification. “You were amazing,” she purrs, then finishes buttoning her shirt. A moment later she walks out the door. I know I’m never going to see her again. And that’s perfectly fine with me.

  I stare at the empty space for a fraction of a second then drop my head into my hands.

  Sometimes an unbound life is an empty life. I lie back down and attempt to sleep the rest of the day away.

  It’s early May.

  The temperature is mild, but the energy in the air feels electric. I don’t know what it is. But it’s like it’s sparking all around me. Maybe it’s the change of seasons or a dip in barometric pressure. Maybe it’s the fact Alana has been haunting my dreams, and this morning’s was the most vivid one by far. I’ve been missing her like crazy lately. More so than usual. I thought time was supposed to heal all. Apparently for me, its absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  I clasp Lorenzo’s hand as I walk by the main entrance of Culture. He’s already fighting back women with a stick. No one crosses the threshold before eight o’clock. House rules. I enter the secondary doorway, the one that leads down to the male revue. The place is already filling up with staff. A few of the other dancers are mulling around, and two new guys are behind the bar setting up.

  I head over to Eddie, the DJ, who is playing around on his turn tables.

  “Hey!” I get his attention and hand him a jump drive. “New music tonight.”

  He nods with one giant headphone covering his ear and takes the drive. After that I head into the staging room. Divan is already there changing.

  “’Sup, man?” he asks, pulling on his leather pants.

  “Nothing,” I respond casually as I open my locker, then unzip my backpack. “I’m trying something new.” I pull out a black cowboy hat and eye mask. “What do you think?”

  Divan takes the hat. “I think you should fling this into the crowd. They’ll love it.” He smiles.

  “I can do that.” I snatch the hat back and laugh, but I don’t feel contentment when I do. Just emptiness.

  For the next few minutes I pace the staging room. Back and forth and back and forth, like a caged friggin’ cat. I crack my neck, my wrists, my fingers like somehow, magically, it will alleviate the festering angst.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Divan asks.

  “I don’t know, I’m antsy tonight.” The room feels like it’s shrinking. I consider going out to get some air.

  “Drink some coffee. It’ll help.” He thinks he’s funny.

  “You’re an ass-.”

  “Whoo!” I’m suddenly interrupted by a high-pitched yell as Skyler busts into the room his high energy self. He’s one of Daniel’s seasoned performers. He’s a large muscled ball of bright light who comically dubs himself Officer Orgasm.

  “Let’s rock this!” He walks over to his locker and nearly rips the door off opening it. Now, if I didn’t know him as well as I do, I’d think he was cracked out on speed or steroids. Turns out, he just suffers from attention deficit disorder. “You guys have to fucking see this blonde in the gold dress out there. Hot Damn,” he exaggerates as he changes into his police uniform. “She is Amazing. I call dibs.”

  “She’s all yours,” I reply flatly.

  “Dude. I don’t know what your deal is with blondes, but this one might change your mind. I’m pretty sure one touch from her, and you’ll feel it in your soul.”

  I scoff, “I doubt it.” I highly doubt it. It doesn’t matter how many women touch this body, only one woman has ever touched this soul.

  I’m suddenly catapulted five years into the past and back into that tiny cabana with Alana. My chest literally aches every time I think about her. About us:

  “Come over here.” I pull Alana closer to me. It’s the middle of the night. The candles are still flickering, and the ocean is crashing gently against the shore. It’s a soothing sound.

  “Any closer and I’ll be on top of you.” She giggles.

  “That’s not a bad idea.” I grab her and straddle her legs over my hips. My erection stirs to life. “I’ve wanted you on top of me since the moment we met.”

  Alana steadies herself with one hand on my chest, rubbing her index finger over the tiny hole on my left peck. “It scarred.”

  I put my hand over hers. “It doesn’t bother me. In fact, I like it. It’s a little piece of you.”

  “I still feel bad.”

  “Then make it up to me.” I flex my pelvis. />
  “You’re insatiable,” she teases me.

  “Of course I am, look at who’s sitting on top of me.” I shimmy my hips anxious to be inside her.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “You don’t need to know what you’re doing, you just need to feel.”


  “Hmm mmm.” I sit up so we are nose to nose. “Use your instincts. Go with what feels right.”

  “What if you don’t like it?” She bites her lip.

  Every time she shows her vulnerability it beguiles me. It’s always so unexpected.

  “Not in a million. There isn’t anything you do that I don’t like.” I push some hair behind her ear as she stares back at me timidly. “Kiss me.”

  Alana leans in, and I wrap one arm around her waist trapping her against my body. Our tongues roll together fervently as we quickly get lost in the taste of each other. The friction of our skin becoming so intense, it burns us up with need. I eagerly grab her ass and push her down until I’m completely sheathed inside her. Fuck she feels so good. Tight and warm and wet.

  “Ryan?” she pants as I slowly guide her up with my hands.

  “Yeah?” She sits all the way down on me, and my brain cells scatter.

  “Why did you say you love that someone like me could love someone like you?”

  She picks now to ask me this?

  I still our movements and look into her eyes as my erection throbs inside her.

  “Alana.” I exhale, trying to align a coherent thought. “I just meant we’re different.”

  There, I said it.

  “Different? Explain.”

  “I just…I meant…” I have no idea how to articulate this. “You’re you, and I’m me.” I shrug.

  She studies me. The soft glow of the candlelight is shimmering off her pink cheeks. “You think because I have money and a nice house I’m better than you?”

  “I think because you’re beautiful, smart, rich, and funny you’re too good for me,” I correct her.

  “Ryan…” She lets my name linger as she stares at me intently. “That’s bullshit,” she declares then pushes me down onto my back.

  “I don’t think so,” I disagree.

  “You don’t know anything,” she argues.

  Then she starts to move -slowly- rocking up and down until my eyes are rolling into the back of my head. She’s a quick study.

  “Ryan?” she says my name softly, and I open eyes. “We’re not so different.”

  “Oh yeah?” I question idly.

  Alana runs her finger down my nose, and then swipes her thumb delicately over my bottom lip. “We both use these the same way.” Then she leans down and kisses me chastely as I run my hands up her back and over her shoulders, reveling in the feel of her skin. She sits back up and presses her hand over my heart. “And this beats the same rhythm,” she says, shifting her hips up then dropping them down forcefully. I groan. Oh fuck. My orgasm is starting to circle.

  “You know what is different?” she asks as she keeps up the tortuous pace, forcing me to respond. My hips move on their own accord, driving all the way up into her as she plummets down. “These.” Alana bends again and kisses my eyes. “You can see things I will never be able to see,” she says, completely spellbinding me. “And these.” She grabs one of my hands and lifts it up by my head, entwining our fingers as she goes. “With these you make beautiful things, things I will never be able to create.”

  It’s amazing how much her words can affect my body as much as my mind; it launches my adrenaline, and my arousal, into the stratosphere.

  “Those are the only things that are different,” she moans as I thrust harder, more urgently, like I can’t get enough.

  Shit, I’m so fucking close.

  “Alana, come,” I demand, right before I go from zero to sixty in 2.2 seconds.

  “I’m not ready.”

  “I need you to come.” I lick the pad of my thumb with my head half detached, and massage her clit firmly as I start to thrash in and out of her.

  “Holy shit, Ryan!”

  She comes hard, fast, and hot, and I fucking detonate; my orgasm blasting through my insides like dynamite.

  It completely obliterates me. Fuck.

  I come around with Alana lying limp on top of me. Is it always going to be like this? This intense? This satisfying?

  We’re both breathing heavy and completely spent.

  “Baby?” I slide my hands into her hair and force her to look up at me. “I think you found the words.”

  She shakes her head and smirks. “Not even close.”

  Someone slaps me on the shoulder, and I find myself back in the present. Although I would give anything to live in the past.

  “Where’d ya go?” Divan asks cheerfully. “Looks like you were lost somewhere.”

  I just shake my head. “Nah. I’m here.” I unconsciously rub my chest, circling my finger around my scar.

  “Whatever,” Skyler cuts in. “I ain’t cryin’ over your disinterest, Jack. That-one- is-comin’-home-with-me-tonight.” He dry humps the air.

  “I hope she lives up to your expectations.” He’s a fucking nut.

  “She will,” he replies with a cocky, shit-eating grin.

  I’m the last performer of the night, so I have to stay holed up until I’m announced. Daniel likes it that way. Says it builds anticipation. I think it’s bullshit. He just likes to drive me crazy. I’ve come to despise small, windowless places.

  I secure my mask and put on my cowboy hat, while Divan finishes violating another willing victim. My palms are sweaty, and my heart is hammering. I don’t know what’s wrong with me; I’ve done this a hundred times.

  I hear the music stop and a few minutes later Divan appears with a bunch of loose bills crumbled up in his hands.

  “Good crowd tonight.” He flashes me a smile. “You’re up. Looks good.”

  He’s referring to my experimental costume. Along with my cowboy hat and eye mask, I have on a pair of ripped up, worn out jeans. No shirt.

  I take a few deep breaths as I hear Hugo’s voice through the thin walls. Chill the fuck out man.

  “Next up is one of our premier dancers. So get ready, set, wet for Jack the Stripper!”

  Ginuwine’s Pony rips through the speakers, and that’s my cue. It’s the quintessential stripper song. Don’t believe me? Ask Magic Mike.

  I groove my way across the room and slither towards the dark-haired girl sitting on the metal chair. She’s decked out in dollars and watching me excitedly. As soon as my foot touches the stage the music changes to a house version of Justin Bieber’s As Long As You Love Me. If you’re making a for real? face right now, I want to inform you, this was Demi’s suggestion. And her being her, she convinced me that women’s panties melt for a man who fights to the death for her and gives up everything for love. I was skeptical. But the beat is good, and I could work with it, so I’m giving it a try. And, for the record, I don’t really consider Justin Bieber a man. What the fuck does he know about fighting to the death or giving up everything for love? Spend three minutes in jail after you sacrificed your life and then maybe we can talk.

  I go through the usual motions of my routine. Grinding, undulating, and stirring up the girl in the hot seat as much as the women in the crowd. Divan is right, this group is lively. More so than most. The dark-haired beauty happily plays along with all my ministrations. For a tiny little thing her persona is enormous. She reminds me of someone I used to know.

  “Hold on tight,” I whisper in her ear. Then for spectacle, I lift her up while she’s still seated and flip her around.

  The room erupts. That move is always a crowd pleaser. Then I start to unbutton my pants, teasing the girl and the audience with glimpses of my ass. Taking Divan’s advice, I rip off my hat and fling it into the crowd. There’s a wave of shrieks as a few women try to catch it.

  I brush some hair out of my eyes, then kneel in front of my willing prey. I catch a better glimps
e of her face, and god she looks so familiar. But I can’t stop and ponder where I know her from since I’m in the middle of a striptease.

  “Rip my mask off.” I tell her, and she pauses for a split second, like maybe she recognizes me too. Then she slips two fingers underneath it and rips the thing clean off.

  She gasps. “Ryan?” she whispers.

  It takes me a moment to realize exactly who is sitting in front of me, but when I do the world stops revolving “Emily?” My voice is shaky. No wonder I didn’t recognize her. The last time I saw her, her hair was blonde and shorter than mine.

  “Ah huh,” she replies, as stunned as me.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I ask in a panic.

  “No, just finish quick.”

  I nod faintly. And all I can think is- is she here? Are we in the same room, breathing the same air? I feel a little dizzy. The two of you are practically inseparable. Where you are, she is.

  I may just throw up.

  I do a quick job of dropping my pants, and then I hightail it off the stage. I don’t even bother to stop and pick up the money being thrown at me.

  I barricade myself in the staging room, and proceed to fight with my locker. It won’t open!

  “What the fuck got into you?” Divan’s voice booms.

  “I need to get dressed.” I pull on the handle frantically.

  She’s here. She’s here, and she just watched me drop my pants in front of a room full of strangers. Goddamn it why won’t this thing open!

  “Ryan?” I unexpectedly hear my name. It’s spoken by the sweetest voice I’ve ever known. My head snaps up, and when my eyes meet hers, I’m suddenly crushed with a tsunami of emotion.

  I can’t move, I can’t speak, and I’m pretty sure the ground is shaking.